
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Halloween Candy Jars...Homemade Halloween for Everyone

Hi everyone.  Today is the 2nd part of our Homemade Halloween for Everyone series.

My idea behind this series is to give people options on how to make fun yet nicely inexpensive decor.  You do not need to buy Halloween decorations in my estimation. I am all about throwing something together.  It gives you such a sense of pride!

Today we are going to discuss Halloween Candy Jars!!  So simple.  You need Candy.  Probably Halloween style.  Can I just put a disclaimer here...I think candy corns are from the devil.  I think they are about the nastiest creation ever invented.  Even though the very thought of their cloying flavor makes me want to gag...right then...I think they're cute.

Put candy in a mason jar.  I have chosen quart size, the better to display the goodies.  Like the eyeballs?

Tie a bow around the top of the jar....again, choose something suitably Halloweenish.  Black with white polka dots....totally Halloweenish.

The End.

So, just remember, it doesn't take a lot of money to make something that will really dazzle your family and friends.

Here is how I display yesterdays and todays Homemade Halloween decorations.  I have placed them along my hutch and I think they really hit the spot for cute spook!

Thanks for reading!

Homemade Halloween for Everyone posts:
Spidery Floral Arrangement
Not-So-Spooky Disembodied Hands

Shared here:
CSI Project



  1. Awesome - I wish we celebrated Halloween - just for the decor lol xxx

  2. I love these, Heather. They are so sweet. I love that they are delicate looking, yet still Halloween. I love the ribbon, too cute!

    1. Thanks Mary! I think they turned out sweet too with that ribbon.

  3. Heather these are so cute and I think I have a few jars and some ribbon just waiting for me to put together with some candy....which I just got a whole bag of from Sam!! I put these on my facebook page!

    1. Thanks Danni! You should they're fun and easy and super cute.

  4. I think I should decorate with candy, but I'm afraid my "decorations" would disappear around here! They are adorable Heather! Those 'eyeballs' are cool too.

    1. It is a risk you take. Luckily this candy is...a couple years old. I save and reuse my decoration candy every year. Just tell your kids the old candy will give them a tummy ache...eventually they'll stop asking to eat it...eventually.


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