
Monday, November 24, 2014

Pie so cool, you don't even know how cool it is

Thanksgiving is nigh.  In fact, I told my kids what we were going to be doing on Thanksgiving Eve, and they informed me that there's no such thing as Thanksgiving Eve.  I guess they know better than I do.  FYI, on the eve before we give thanks, my young and I will be making pecan pie, and so should you.

This is my slice of pie du jour.  The gourd pie may get all the glory, but this is the unsung hero, if you ask me.  Made correctly, pecan pie is a pleasantly sweet, caramelized fusion of velvety custard and lightly toasted pecans.  Made incorrectly, pecan pie can be a gelatinous, overly sweet mess.  Let's do it right, shall we?

There are a couple things you need to know before you make pecan pie.

-Watch for over-browning.   If you are moving past golden brown and delicious, but your pie is still too jiggly in the center, throw on a piece of foil to keep it from browning further. Once the pie filling is no longer liquid, and the crust is nicely brown, throw on the foil.  I usually do this with about 25 to 30 minutes left of cooking time.

-Take the pie out of the oven before it is completely firm.  You want the tiniest bit of give in the middle, but no wiggle on the sides.  Got it.  Because it's all about the bass, 'bout the bass no treble...Darn, catchy song.

-Do not pre-toast your pecans.  I have made many pecan pies in my time and have tried a lot of different methods.  If you toast them and then bake them in the pie, in my opinion, you end up with dry nuts.  Ew.

Pecan Pie
1- 9" pie crust, unbaked (I use store bought.  Shhhhh don't tell)
6 Tbl. Butter
1 Cup corn syrup (I use light because it's what I have on hand and it tastes great, so why mess with anything else?)
3/4 C. Sugar
3 eggs, whisked
2 tsp. Vanilla
1/2 tsp. Kosher salt
2 Cups, chopped pecans

Heat oven to 350 F. Place a cookie sheet in to get hot.  You are going to put the pie on the cookie sheet as it cooks just in case any filling bubbles over.  You don't want that in the bottom of your oven.

Put your pecans in the uncooked pie crust.

In saucepan heat butter, corn syrup and sugar over medium-low until the butter is melted

In another bowl, combine your whisked eggs, vanilla and Kosher Salt.  Here's the slightly tricky part.  You are going to add your melted butter mixture to your egg mixture, but you do not want to cook your eggs, so make sure the melted butter isn't at all hot when you're pouring it into the eggs, whisk constantly.

Pour your filling over the pecans in the pie crust.

Bake for between 60 to 80 minutes (I know that's a big time difference, you just have to watch your pie carefully.  I cooked mine for about 67 and it was pretty perfect), in the center of the oven until (like I said above), the pie is nicely golden and just a bit soft in the middle.  Let it cool completely (I am cooking it the night before which is perfect if you don't have a lot of time on the day of the feast).  Probably better would be to cook it same day, just make sure you give yourself plenty of time to bake it and let it cool for at least 2 hours before eating.

Serve with a dollop of lightly sweetened whipped cream and you will be the hero of the day.  The pie is quite sweet, so take it easy when you're adding the sugar to your homemade whipped cream. 

Thanks for reading and Happy Thanksgiving!



  1. I decided this year to have two Thanksgivings! Since I already had turkey here, I felt compelled to spend the second one with you. I will be there Thanksgiving Eve! What time is pie? PINNING

  2. Funny...I'm coming along with Karen for Thanksgiving eve! Looks yummy Heather and I'm debating whether or not I should even show this to Sam, who is already in love with you!

  3. I love pecan pie. There was some at a restaurant I went to last week with friends. It was very good, but I'm sure yours tastes better.

  4. NOTHING like homemade pecan pie. I think your tips will help anyone make a better pie. Even I could do this, but hey, if your having the party, I'll be right over ;D Pinned

  5. I'm scared to try one. I buy them pre-made. There, I've admitted it publicly. I'm a blogger who doesn't bake pretty. Yours looks nice though. :) I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. It's not always a bad thing for nuts to go dry. You just don't want them to shrivel up and....oh wait. Wrong topic. Your pie looks divine. No wait. Okay, I guess that's okay to say and we're still on-topic. Really, this looks yummy. Mostly I don't like pecan pie because it's usually a gelatinous, overly sweet mess. Do you ever add chocolate chips? I like chocolate chips. I also really like pizza. Can we have pizza?? What is wrong with me????

    I've missed you, that's what it is.


  7. Oh wow. That looks delicious. And I love that you referred to that other pie as the gourd pie :)


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