
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Blast you internet!!!

Do you ever get mad at the internet for existing?  For introducing us to these amazing people that we will probably NEVER GET TO MEET IN PERSON?  If not for the internet, I would be perfectly happy with my existence as is.  Cool, you know?

But, no.  I have to go and make these friends that I cherish and only hope that someday I'll actually get to have dinner across from them and enjoy a lady craft day together.

Karen from The Feral Turtle is one of these friends.  She has a tutorial on how to make your own pysankies...hope that's the plural... which are Ukrainian Easter Eggs and they are gorgeous and I am desperate to make them.  Of course, I have no supplies to make a pysanky and so want to go to her house and have a lady craft day together making them.  With her supplying the supplies and refreshments.  I'll bring the eggs.

This cool spider is something she sent me the other day.  I had done a post on a few of my beaded Christmas spiders, and crafty thing that she is went and figured out how to make them and has made them non-stop since.  Isn't the skull bead kind of rad?

No only that, but she also sent a homemade shampoo bar.  I had never heard of shampoo bars, but The Mister insists that I have to learn how to make them so my hair will always smell as heavenly as it has been since I started using it.

Karen is kind of like the woman I long to be.  Living in the country, making homemade soap, shampoo and wine and wielding power tools like a vixen.

My spider, who is named Bridezilla, has been hanging with me as I work on my latest project.

Go check her out, she's just crazy EVERYTHING!

Thanks for reading.



  1. Yay! Now we both have Karen Spiders! My spider is gonna kick your spider's butt for the April Fool's prank though. (insert evil laughter here). Seriously, we should get our spiders together for a play date.

    Oh yeah...we don't live close either, do we. Now I must be sad.


  2. Karen is awesome! I love your spider and I want to try those Ukrainian eggs too.

  3. Awe!!! You are far too kind Heather. Thanks for that!. Hopefully this turtle will come out of her shell one day and get to meet you! I figure we should get a bunch of us together and go visit Mel one nasty winter....hehe Five kids and a bunch of crazy woman under one roof. Poor Mel!

  4. PS What is this latest project you are working on? I will have to send the link to my sister as she is the quilter in the family!!

  5. How fun Heather! I was lucky enough to get a package from Karen once that had some lotions and Blueberry jam that she made! I too am envious of her power tool skills. I'm also envious of your mad sewing skills and looking forward to seeing what you're up to now!

  6. Hey Heather, this post was not at all what I thought I would run into when I clicked on Blast you Internet! Haha! It's better! I will have to check out the Feral Turtle now for sure. What fun!


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