
Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Glitter Glitter Everywhere! Personalized Christmas Box

Merry Christmas everyone!  It's Heather from The Beating Hearth and I am so excited to be apart of Adele's 24 Days to Christmas.  Like her, I have my own Christmas series going on, Holiday Cookie Extravaganza!  Every Monday and Wednesday until Christmas I will have a tasty treat for you, so please stop by. 

Today I'm going to show you one of my favorite Christmas traditions.  My beloved Grandpa Ralph is the originator of this project.  If the internet had been around fifty years ago, he would have been in heaven.  He loves adding a classy touch to each of his grandkids' Christmas gifts.

Christmas day we received several gifts from our grandparents, but for each grandchild, one present was different.  It wasn't wrapped, and yet we knew it was the best of the bunch.  It was simple, a white box, with a bow, and our name written in her beautiful hand, coated in glitter.   I always opened that one last.  So, start this tradition at your house, anyone who gets this present will feel special, indeed.

I love a project that has minimal supplies.  You need a white box, glitter, good old Elmer's Glue and a pencil.  And, the pencil is optional.

Write the name of the recipient on the box.  If your bad enough, you can just free-hand it with the glue.  I am clearly not as bad ass as my image may portray, as I used a pencil...and a ruler so the name would be straight.

Using a heavy hand, trace the name with glue.  Go slowly, with a thick and steady stream of glue.  If you have any gaps, just carefully fill them in.  You don't want the glue to be too thin, you really want the name to stand out.

While the glue is still wet.  Coat with glitter.  I have girls.  They only like pink.  Let settle for a few minutes and then gently shake the glitter off into a bowl so that you can reuse the excess for another project.

Set aside and let dry completely.  Then shake off the extra glitter again.

And be prepared for glitter to do what glitter does best...get everywhere!!!

You could also get flashy and do a design.  Grandpa Ralph knew though, that less is more.  We just had our name...and the occasional glue dollop....glitter coated, of course.

Throw on a festive bow, and place under your tree.  An easy craft, but one that's sure to make an impression.  Who doesn't like to see their name in glitter?

Thanks again Adele for letting me hang out here today!  And remember, check out the Beating Hearth all month for the tastiest treats!!


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