
Monday, October 21, 2013

A letter to Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature,

I need another month of weather just like this.  70 during the day 40 at night.  Appreciate it. 

Thanks in advance,

Heather and her Garden.

p.s. I've included some pictures.  Please review and consider extending this gorgeous Indian Summer.  Pretty please?

 Lavender re-blooming.

 Peppers just wanting a chance!

All those luscious bread salads I dreamed about this summer that never came to fruition thanks to lackluster growth. 
The tomato variety I never got to taste because it's growing now....thanks again, guys.



  1. I love the idea of growing my own food. I would love to be self contained so to speak . Homesteading ways kind of . I love this and your photography made me hungry for salad. HUGS and blessings this harvest season .

  2. If your Indian summer should happen to disappear, I hope it heads my way. We are deep into brisk fall weather. What beautiful pictures and tasty looking home grown veggies. That lavender is beautiful.

  3. Well you know I want snow...but your garden does seem to be hopeful for more indian summer! We had our first frost last night!

  4. make sure you get all the tomatoes off the plant before the frost arrives. You will lose all. Green tomatoes will eventually ripen inside the home, and you'll probably taste them by Christmas :)

  5. We had our first frost weeks ago! I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Some great pics Heather!

  6. 40 at night brrr! I second thatbwithnthe tomatoes bring them in and put them in a warm lit spot in the kitchen they will ripen if they don't get frost bitten

  7. It's been cold and rainy here (highs in the 40s). And I've been in a house (with no heat) painting. Boohoo, don't you feel sorry for me now? :)



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