
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tomato Abundance...and aren't we smiling

The fruits of my labor.  Yellow Pear, Black Cherry and Indigo Rose.  Yum!  Tomatoes at their August best.   I grow many heirloom tomatoes, but this year I tried a new and unique variety, Indigo Rose.  The "bluest" naturally bred tomato out there.  The blue pigment gives you the healthful antioxidants of blueberries.

My Indigo Rose tomatoes.  These babies have tricked me all season long.  They start out like this...

Deeply purple with a green spot.  Then they finally mature after what seems like ages and ages and the green bit goes red.

 And then you do this.  Heaven!

Now, what do you do with all these tomatoes besides eat them freshly picked?  Melted cheese and tomato sandwich, of course!!  A lovely sprinkling of salt and pepper, melty oozing cheese, crusty bread and the freshest tomatoes around!  The angels in heaven are singing right now. There is a melted cheese sandwich underneath the tomato abundance there...would I like some sandwich with my tomatoes?  Maybe.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. 

Neither could she.

Yes, she is just eating the tomatoes off of the sandwich.  My children, pretty much every day run outside and harvest all the ripe tomatoes.  Eat half of them outside, then bring me whatever they didn't gobble warm off the vine.

Other tasty things that have been devoured at the Hearth lately, Smitten Kitchen's Whole Wheat Raspberry Ricotta Scones using Bear Lake Raspberries.  And if you're not from Utah or Idaho, you might not know, but these are the best raspberries you can find.  Period.  Head to Bear Lake for the tastiest raspberry milkshake you've ever had.

So, enjoy the fruits of the season.  Get out to a Farmer's Market and start thinking about what you want to plan in your garden next year.

Thanks for reading!



  1. I didn't plant anything this year, but my neighbors have taken pity on me and shared their tomatoes. Your daughter is adorable!


  2. tomatoes are my weakness. I just LOVE them. Those colors are incredible!!

  3. and I don't blame the girls. They are best eaten straight from the vine. If you can get them next year try the black russians. Can't wait for summer!

    Really nice bounty!

  4. Oh my! Those are wonderful looking! I've never even heard of them, but we have an heirloom seed place near here and I'm going to ask about them for next year...when hopefully I'll have a new garden to go with my house!

  5. OH IT IS ON !!! I am heading to HEB right now for some red lovelys LOL I want to make this .. LOVE IT ALL SISTER

  6. I wish my kids liked tomatoes! How fun!

  7. Your garden bounty is drool worthy. Those tomatoes look so good. We just had some tomatoes from my father in laws garden and there is NO comparison in taste from homegrown and store bought. You are starting your kids out right for sure!


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