
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Girl Ninja Turtle Party...The Games

Alright, I already confessed that I am a bit of a dud when it comes to parties.  I try my darndest, but...well, sometimes the results are questionable.  I will never be one of those fancy ladies who plan the perfect party with the perfect decorations along with the perfect snacks that all coordinate with each other.  I want to be one of those ladies, but it's just not me.  Luckily my great friend Nat from Northshore Days was there to help me out this year.

I was bemoaning the fact that all I had planned for My Youngest's B-day party was a Slip 'n Slide...which while loads of fun, just didn't seem like enough.  She had two fabulous suggestions which rounded out my daughter's party perfectly.

The Lolly Toss...aka fun without the piñata

A big thank you to my Father in Law, Stan for taking some of these pictures...which I have stolen, gratefully.
Not only was I griping about the fact that I didn't have anything planned, I was also whining about how much I dislike piñatas.  She suggested the lolly toss, which for everybody who isn't a Brit, Kiwi or Aussie, that's where you take a giant bag of candy, throw it all over the yard and...1...2...3...GOOOOOOOO!!   The kids thought this was so much fun and it was better than a piñata by about a million.  You throw the candy far and wide for the big kids but keep some close for the littles.  Ginger the dog also enjoyed the lolly toss...a lot.  What's so good about this is there's not a giant pile up of candy, kids and elbows in one spot.  There's lots of room for them and they have to run for the treats, so it's fun for the adults to watch.

Egg Balance...without the Eggs

This game is great too.  We used Ring Pops instead of eggs and had the kids balance them on a spoon and walk around the Slip 'n Slide...that was it.  I wish I could say there was a grand finale, I was thinking we'd have all the winners compete against each other but then there was drama where My Oldest had a smaller spoon and so she felt she automatically qualified for the next round...but that made the numbers uneven...well, I decided it was time for cake after that!

The party was a success in great part to Nat's wonderful suggestions.  So, if you are planning a birthday and have no ideas...these worked out perfectly!

Thanks for reading!



  1. so cute, that was a great idea...and no pinata mess to clean up :)

  2. What a great idea on that Lolly Toss! Pinata's always make me nervous....blindfolded kids and a stick..hmmmmm! Love the idea of the eggless spoon race too. No mess! Looks like a great time to me Heather!

  3. What a fun party! I've never heard of the Lolly Toss but it sounds like a great idea!

  4. I bet the children remember this as a real fun party too! (because it was about 'them'!!) :)

  5. The kids look like they had the BEST time. Love the Lolly Toss and Eggless Egg Spoon Balance, I mean what were we thinking giving perfectly good eggs to kids, when they serve a much better purpose on the breakfast table. What fun ideas for kid's games!!


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