
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tongue in Cheek Tuesday...Junk in our Trunks...

This is the first time I'm joining up for Tongue in Cheek Tuesday...but, it might be because their "challenge"fits me perfectly. 

Right then...Where do I put my junk?  Now, if you ask my beleagured husband, where I put my junk...he might bemoan, "Where does she NOT put her junk."

Now, that's just not nice, because one person's junk is another person's...I'm going to work on that SOMDAY...and...You actually expect me to only work on only ONE THING AT A TIME....and, because he knows I never only work on one thing at a seriously want me to...PUT THE OTHER THING(S) AWAY?!?!??!? and not leave them all over every available surface?!?!?!  No, seriously?

Now, I'm not going to talk about my junk drawers, because my junk drawers are so perfectly organized and categorized by kingdom, class, genus and species...that you would agree with ME that they are actually not junk drawers but lovely little havens for my....hundreds of pens that no longer write...because I'm going to get refills for them, my magazine rip outs of how to decorate the perfect sun porch (when I do not actually possess a sun porch...or have any hope ever having one), my expired credit cards that I have shredded HALF the card and am waiting for the perfect time to shred the other half so that some fiend cannot steal my precious card info...the pins that I have picked up off the floor....before anybody had a chance to step on them and imbed them in their foot...oh yes, my junk drawers are just fine, thank you very much...

The area I may have a problem with is...

My sewing look, I am sure I can justify the presence of every thing here...let's just try...shall we?

1.  Well..okay, this one's easy.  I was hosting fabric tryouts just yesterday for the new quilt I am making for My Oldest....aha...and it was much more convenient to just stack them there instead of putting them back.

2.  My pattern that I sketched for My Oldest's new quilt, and another one I was thinking about.  Yes...those are actually patterns.  Very necessary.

3.  A book...that I glanced through to see if there were better instructions on how to make mitred corners...which I am thinking of using for My Oldest's quilt. 

Well, obviously I am off to a good start.  I clearly needed all of these in a heap behind my sewing machine as I was just using them yesterday.  Let's carry on, shall we...

1.  Okay, well this is a piece of the Shoo Fly tutorial I made...a month ago and haven't touched well as pieces of my Beginners Table Runner that I also haven't needed in...let's just say...a while...but I might work on it...someday, so obviously need it handy.

2.  Oh yes, see, this is very important.  Random Measurements from...SOMETHING.  I might figure out what it's for.  Best to leave it there.

3.  Okay, well my rotary cutter is in this one.  Obviously a the rosettes I made for my Inspiration Cafe tut on Rosettes and I only worked on these a few weeks ago...several  hexi patterns...that I cut from 1.5" to 1" and then proceded to lose...and have now found them...yay!  Of course I am no longer planning on using them at the moment...Random spools of thread...fabric scraps, my leatherman tool (which my husband stole from me to use for fishing and I have since stolen back and proceded to place it in the very useful spot of...behind the sewing machine to never be used again)...and a cd of images of my child....I do not have anything that I could actually view these on, in my sewing room...but still a good place to store them...I'm sure.

4. The leatherman again...obviously I think I might need to use it.  A card my own child made for me...(it's important to store these treasured momentos where you can easily access them whenever said child is having a massive meltdown and you need to remember a time when they loved you).  Sparkly bedazzle my sewing machine...maybe?  Random buttons.  A hexi that I was experimenting with and decided was of course I chose to keep it, instead of throw it away...oh, oh oh, and my pins.  VERY Important in sewing.

As you can see, a pile behind my sewing machine is probably where you, yourself would store these I right, or am I right?

1.  A mostly sewn amigurumi and its yarn...that I had absolutely no plan to work on and actually finish...but now My Youngest has found it and insisted I finish it for her...Lucky me...another project to add to my it was already a project waiting to be glad I had it right there...waiting...

2.  More patterns....not currently being worked all.

3.  And even more fabric...again there is no current plan in the works with said is simply sitting there...collecting dust...I mean, giving me visual inspiration...

Well, it's clear that I have shown that all the above needed  to be where it was...and there was no real reason for me to...

...actually do tidying and make a nice, clean work space...Shhhhhhh...don't tell The Mister.  He might start expecting this sort of thing in the kitchen where I have the stash of thread, and my daughters' projects....or down by the TV, where I have the half-sewn projects stashed in every conceivable drawer and cupboard...or in our bedroom where I have the half-learned knitting project that I have since forgotten how to knit and is in his side-table drawer....

You should check out the other ladies who are participating in tongue in cheek tuesday, I've got some good buddies who are co-hosting and they make me laugh every day!

Thanks for reading!!



  1. Oh good for you, cleaning it. I now feel I have met a kindred spirit like Anne of green gables :)

  2. Heather, do you have any idea how funny you are?!! Hosting fabric try-outs! Melting moment reminders....where were you when my kids were little??!! A leatherman...the one tool I just realized I don't have in my craft room...gotta get one! You tell Ryan those are all just cute little "nests"!! Thanks for joining in this morning! You are an awesome supporter and a true friend!!(...and a nester)

  3. We are sisters in clutterdom. I have a Giant cutting table I do this too. I have to clear it off (read: push to the side) when I start a new project. Now, just how long will it stay tidy? Artists are messy!

    1. Actually, when I told The Mister I had tidied it, he actually asked did you put things away...or just shove them aside. Rude. I actually did put them away...mostly. :)

  4. You clean and tidied your junk after showing it!?! No fair! I personally do not think sewing scraps should count as a mess because sewing is such a noble cause. And I learned from an early age from my granny that every scrap has its purpose!

  5. Ah yes....sewing and recent studio cleaning involved sorting fabric by type into BIG boxes which were then moved to yet another room JUST so I could get to the area near the sewing machine to begin any actual cleaning. We are kindred spirits....I just got sidetracked by the furniture craze that's all. I can't get rid of the fabric because I WILL sew again...I WILL...
    You are so sweet to make your kids quilts....I think that's the ONLY thing I don't do...make quilts...Thank You Lord....

    1. Lorraine, I love it! Cleaning just so you can clean. I have been there. I love fabric...I love making quilts...I will be sad the day they decide they can make their own stuff and won't need me to anymore.

  6. Oh. My. I see we have the same disease! Pilitis. You know...making piles everywhere.

  7. You're too funny!!! And you cleaned it ( no one mentionned that part in the linky rule book lmho )
    Thanks so much for linking!

  8. Found you over at Kirby's! Love this series ;) I feel so normal!

  9. Hahahaha - you are so funny Heather! I love that you cleaned after you took the pics!!! :) Fun post & party! Oh, and I LOVE the no-sew rosette on top of the jar :)

  10. Aw Heather you are adorable!!!! And I want all those fabrics!!!! I loved this post!

  11. But of course, they all needed to be there! Every one made sense! Loved the post!!
    Debbie :)

  12. My sewing machine never looks like that. It is always clean and organized. But that's because I don't know how to sew. Swap you some mess for lessons?


  13. Heather you can sew, I got a sewing machine for Christmas last year and had it out of the box once. Got frustrated trying to figure out the sill bobbin thing, and packed it back up, So you are way ahead of the game by knowing how to use one lol. And your pics did not look like a mess, they looked like a creative mind at work. loved the post

  14. For a minute there, I thought someone had gotten in and taken pictures of my sewing table. My problem is that I really do want to do all six (or more--probably more)projects that are sitting there.

    I'd love to see what you do with the chevron fabric. I bought yards and yards in a bunch of colors because it was so pretty. Now, I have no idea what to do with any of it.

  15. Loved your post! I have no idea what a Leatherman is, but I probably need one too.

  16. I'm a fabric hoarder, too, and what better way then in piles behind the sewing machine. Easy access, quick reference, works for blotting up spills, as well!!


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