
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The wrestling match must mean it's a hit!

pink snowball quilt

An angel chorus somewhere sings joyously.  Behold!  It is done and on the bed! 

I mean...I guess it's possible that an angel chorus doesn't have anything better to sing about...right?  I think a completed quilt makes the list of approved singing opportunities...maybe? 

The funny...or sad thing is, of course, that My Youngest actually prefers the back of the quilt to the front.  I didn't take a picture of the back in my infinite wisdom...but if you can see the patch on there that's all pink and purple castles and rainbows and hue-nicorns (as she calls them), that's what makes up most of the back.  Oh well.  I at least, am pleased with the front.

But, what lets me know this is a really good the ensuing wrestling match that occurred after the you notice they are not even on the carpet.  They didn't seem to mind the hard floor.  They wrestled and had a grand old time, and then we played a rousing game of  I-Spy on it.  Good times.  Maybe someday my baby will appreciate the front, in the meantime, she's loving the back.

Thanks for reading...glad to have another completion to the list.



  1. Gorgeous Heather! I can tell the girls really love it too...will be nice to have to keep warm this winter! ~ Julie

  2. yay Heather! It's finished and it's a hit with the new owner! It's beautiful too! Cute pics of those gorgeous girls enjoying it too! Definitely angel-choir worthy!!!

    1. Thanks Danni! I am so happy to have it done. glad you think the angels are singing for me. :)

  3. Danni told me you'd finished so I rushed over. It's beautiful! Lucky, lucky girl! Someday she will appreciate the work that went into it, but for now she can just be wrapped up in your love!!! I'm so envious of your sewing/quilting skills. My mother quilts also and it always amazes me the time and patience that go into one quilt. I'd wrestle for it too, it's gorgeous!!!

    1. Sherry, thank you so much for rushing over!! I am so glad you like it. I love that your mom quilts too!

  4. Oh wow - it is gorgeous Heather - so much love and work went into it and its just beautiful xxxx

  5. It's so awesome, Heather - just beautiful! She will treasure this quilt and pass it on from generation to generation. Beautiful, fun pics of the girls. Enjoy your accomplishment! Woo Hoo!

    1. Thanks Mary! I hope someday when she's away at college, she'll take it with her and remember her old mom.


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