
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A serious issue...

I have a problem...let me just show you as I feel pictures will better convey the situation...

In the actual ironing board.  Doesn't look so bad, you say?

Two...that's right, two pin cushions on the ironing board next to my sewing machine.

Directly to the right of my sewing machine.  Those other two, I mentioned above...they're within spitting distance of this one...

Directly to the left of my sewing machine...

Top, right hand side of my cutting mat...two...again.  This time one's magnetic...just in case.  FYI, I am on the same table still, as my sewing machine...

Top, left hand side of my cutting mat...two more.  This time, works in progress.  Trying to figure out how to make the perfect turkey...that's cushion...ahem.

And, just in case the worst should happen...more pins on my window sil...just waiting for their moment to shine.

In my defense, I just want pins exactly where I am, when I am doing something.  I hate to have to search around for a place to put, I have pin cushions everywhere.  Easy solution...or I am addicted to pin cushions.  To be determined...

Thanks for reading.



  1. Um I think you have a problem, Freud would say it's very pinteresting! :P

    1. Freud huh? Mel, you might be right. Get me to a therapist STAT!

  2. I am really digging those in progress turkeys! You sound like me and my coffee cups :) At least your pin cushions don't get cold ;)

    1. Thanks for the love on my turkeys. I have lots of coffe cups too!!

  3. Hmmmmm..... Heather dear - you have a lot of pin cushions....just sayin'..
    Lol - I love the Turkeys too xxxx

    1. Yeah....I know. I hear that a lot. But...they're like shoes...aren't they?

  4. Ummmmmm we need to do an intervention for you pincushion addiction????!!! I am loving those turkey pincushions. Are you going to post about them? How did you make them stand up like that?? I'm envious!

  5. I can attest to the pin obsession..I went over with my 2 year old yesterday and it was pure pin madness all over the place! Almost had to keep my kid under lock and key to keep her safe. ;)

    1. Yeah...and The Mister says I get to claim mother of the year aware because Pamela loves to play with the pins and pin I told her to go play with her pins...He wondered if I also tell her to play in the road, practise her knife throwing skills with her sister and drink things she finds under the sink....uhhhh...

    2. No, if they are playing with the pin cushions you can keep a close eye on them (since they are in the same room as you). Plus, a little pin prick only requires a band aid rather than an ER trip. Ewan likes to play with the pins too. Just move them from one cushion to another to another…

    3. Exactly!!! Thanks for the vindication there. HAHA! I am right, he's wrong. :) That's exactly what she does. She likes to group them by color and move them around. They talk, the have's like a pin soap opera.


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