
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

I am not the type to remain a project that is.  wink wink to The Mister  I love to have options.  I die for the chance to one day put something together with my sewing machine, and the next to crochet something fun.  And then to abandon everything for several weeks and just hand quilt something I have in the works.  I'm a fickle woman.

But...there comes a point when you have too much going on!   I've got The Mister's Man Quilt and My Youngest's Hopefully it's pink enough quilt as well as working on my next Inspiration Cafe project (it's a'll just have to wait) as well as the desire to just make...whatever whim comes my way.  So, it's too much.  I have to buckle down and FINISH something.

This is my priority at the moment.  It can change on a whim.  But, My Youngest is going to freeze this winter...which is rapidly approaching, and so this must be quilted.  I would like to say that I am over half way done quilting it.  There are 11 rows down and 8 across.  I am done with six of the eleven and have started on the 7th.  Phew.

And of course, The Mister's quilt that is using all neutral colors...ahem.  You know, I still maintain this is a neutral quilt.  And, I am loving it.  I would like to get one of these done a day.  HA!  It's more like 1/4 of a block done a day...if that.  Busy times, busy times.

I actually do have one more crafting priority.  This one.  She told me the other day that she wants to learn how to make her crochet fatter.  I told her, she needs to work on her chain a little bit more and then we'll learn how to make it fat.  She loves to count how many bodies long her chain is.

Can you imagine crocheting this way?  Yeah...I don't think so. 

Thanks for reading!



  1. Owie! I wouldn't be able to walk for five minutes after sitting like that. Lol. That man quilt is looking so good and MANLY! It really is nice and neutral in the way that you have blended the colors and patterns. You are very talented Heather!

    1. Sherry...I know right, I would have to lie down on the floor for a few minutes to recover. Thanks for the love on the man quilt.

  2. The quilts look like they are coming along great! I love the colors and patterns. The one thing I have always wanted to learn, is how to use a sewing day. And no, I can't imagine doing anything that way! Too funny!

    1. Thanks Mary. You know, my soon to be ex sister-in-law got a sewing machine from my Mom for Christmas last year and she only got a few lessons before they had to go back to cali, but I think she picked up on it pretty fast. You would too, especially if you take a beginning sewing class at a quilt shop. Maybe if we stretched...A LOT, we could do it.

  3. I hear ya Heather....I have 11 projects going right now....none of them as far along as yours!! I do love to see your quilts. They are just so lovely! I think it's sweet that your daughter wants you to teach her to crochet....another thing I can't do!!

    1. Danni, I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't commit to doing one thing at a time. I pretty much taught myself to crochet...I know you could do it....because I did it in the time before there's probably an app for that. :)


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