
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Good thing my kids are oblivious when it comes to Mama's stitching

My oldest can pick up on a secret conversation as soon as it's begun. 

"Who are you talking about?"  "What's going on?"  What did you say?"

She's just at that age where she wants to know everything that's going on and thinks a 6 year old needs to be in the know.  Luckily when it comes to what Mama's making...they don't have a clue and don't really care.  Unless they have a wild hair and want to sew which case I can usually distract them with my scrap bucket and continue on with whatever covert operations I'm engaged in.

I just wanted to give you an idea of what's going on in my sewing room on a regular basis.  I've got whatever project I'm working on strewn all over the cut table.  My phone with Pandora blasting away tunes from Doris Day to Moody Blues to Queen to Beyonce.  Thumbs down to all Rhianna.  Sorry, not a fan.  And I've got my refreshing beverage to keep me revived. 

See the current project, that's My Youngest's new mostly pink quilt for her bed.  Because her original big-girl-bed quilt didn't cut it.  I am fairly certain that her new one isn't going to be pink enough either...but again, Mama's gotta have her say when it comes to some things...and this includes whatever she sews.

Wanna see the completed flimsy?  Definition of the day: Flimsy...The top or bottom of the quilt you are making that has been pieced together but hasn't been sandwiched and quilted. 

I think it has turned out really well and I am pretty sure that pink is the dominant color.  There is quite a lot of Robin's Egg Blue in there, but it's very girlish.  Cross fingers she'll be satisfied.

Now cross fingers that I get it done.  I like to have multiple projects going on at once and don't always think priorities through correctly...I mean, look, getting my What's Coming up Summer quilt was a priority as it's summer in like 8 days...but so is My Youngest's Birthday...somethings gotta give.  So I am now frantically forgetting about it being summer soon and am frantically trying to get her quilt finished....I'll let you know how it goes.

Thanks for reading!



  1. There is a lot of blue in that pink quilt..and knowing your youngest..I dunno. You better back it in all pink.

    1.'s a mostly pink quilt. The blue is just an accent color. She'll love it.

  2. Oh that is so cute! Can't wait to see it when it's finished. You sew like I craft....I have several projects going at once! We have some of the same taste in music!

    1. Danni, it's the only way to craft. Have a whole bunch and pick what you want to do at the time. My taste in music runs all over the place. I like some of everything.

  3. That is just beautiful Heather. I'm trying to sew at the moment - not doing too badly with my new machine. I'm making winter patchwork blankets using the kids baby blankets. They wont be pretty though.... xxx Nat

    1. Thanks Nat! I am all about sewing with recycled fabric and I think it makes things much more precious.


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