
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

St. Patty's wall hanging

St. Patrick's Day is rapidly approaching so I thought I'd do a couple posts in a row in honor of it. You'd think, what with my happy little Celtic family that I'd be more apt to decorate for this hallowed day....but turns out not so much.  Maybe someday.  People ask me how I have so much time to make things...truth is, I don't.  I take bits of time here and there and get what I can done.  So the wall hanging above is it.  That's all I've got by way of St. Patty's decorations.  If you want to check out how the above was made you can refer back to Here.  And then here.  And finally here.

I think it turned out really cute.  I like the black binding with white polka dots, I think it frames the quilt nicely. And I feel the yellow isn't too much.  Sometimes I like too much color and too much pattern and the main focus of the quilt gets lost. 

There's only one problem, and I am sad that I didn't pay attention.  Remember folks, the motto of this blog, if anything is PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS!!  The kind of Celtic-Looking patterned fabric on the checker board panels is not facing the same direction in both panels.  It's minor and not terribly noticeable...except to me.  And it makes me crazy.  Maybe not crazy enough to unpick the whole thing...but crazy nonetheless.

Yay!  Happy St. Patty's to my family.  This is our one nod to the land of my husband's and half of my family's ancestors.  A totally cute one too if you ask me.

Instead of quilting it traditionally, I used 3 strands of yellow embroidery floss.  I made bigger stitches and it went so quickly and gives it that extra touch of detail.

It's so hard to see.  Taking pictures with a lot of white makes my camera go crazy. 

Now, I know you have enough time.  4 days to be exact.  Go make something green!
Gratuitous I got a cute Celtic kid pic of the Day

Granny Square Pic of the Day
I'll leave you with and Old Irish Blessing...

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


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